Monday, November 12, 2012


Time to reveal the identity of the mystery food object!

A couple of you guessed ramen, which is a great guess since there are no contextual clues about the size.  However, the object above is actually quite small.

Dan guessed Long John Silvers, but I think that he was just hoping this was one of his beloved chicken planks.

Thank you Bobby for the Chickenfoot reference (I will not link to their music as this is supposed to be an appetizing food blog).

The closest guess was by Ryan on Facebook who surmised that this was some kind of fried cheddar cheese.  Oh so close, but not quite right.

The correct answer is...







A deformed, mutant Cheez-It.  My wife said it looks like its composed entirely of holes and edges.  Really makes me wonder how they're made.

Thanks for playing!

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